The game also features more than 150 new pokemon, including several that are exclusive to either White 2 or Black 2. These include new ways to battle and trade, as well as a new area to explore called the Giant Chasm. Pokemon Black 2 Best Pokemon Black 2 Cheats Unlimited Master Balls Never run out of master balls again with this cheat. It introduces several new features to the series. Along the way, they must stop Team Plasma from achieving its goals. The game follows Hilbert, who is now a gym leader, and his friends as they travel across the Unova region. Pokemon White 2 takes place two years after the events of Pokemon Black and White.
Pokemon White 2 ROM is playable on Android, Windows, iPhone, and Mac with NDS emulators. Emulators: SuperDS, MelomDS, Citra, RetroArch.Playable Devices: Android, Mac, Windows, iPhone.
Tap in the code and then walk through a door and you will be sent to the location - just turn it off, else you will find yourself looping back to it.

To use a warp code, you will need to activate the master code first.
Master Ball- 001 Ultra Ball - 002 Great Ball - 003 Poke Ball - 004 Safari Ball - 005 Net Ball - 006 Dive Ball - 007 Nest Ball - 008 Repeat Ball - 009 Timer Ball - 00A Luxury Ball - 00B Premier Ball - 00C Potion - 00D Antidote - 00E Burn Heal - 00F Ice Heal - 010 Awakening - 011 Paralyz heal - 012 Full Restore - 013 Max Potion - 014 Hyper Potion - 015 Super Potion - 016 Full Heal - 017 Revive - 018 Max Revive - 019 Fresh Water - 01A Soda Pop - 01B Lemonade - 01C MooMoo Milk - 01D Energy Powder - 01E Energy Root - 01F Heal Powder - 020 Revival Herb - 021 Ether - 022 Max Ether - 023 Elixir - 024 Max Elixir - 025 Lava Cookie - 026 Blue Flute - 027 Yellow Flute - 028 Red Flute - 029 Black Flute - 02A White Flute - 02B Berry Juice - 02C Sacred Ash - 02D Shoal Salt - 02E Shoal Shell - 02F Red Shard - 030 Blue Shard - 031 Yellow Shard - 032 Green Shard -033 HR Up - 03F Protein - 040 Iron - 041 Carbos - 042 Calcium - 043 Rare Candy - 044 PP Up - 045 Zinc - 046 PP Max - 047 Guard Spec -049 Dire Hit - 04A X Attack - 04B X Defend - 04C X Speed - 04D X Accuracy -04E X Special - 04F Poke Doll - 050 Fluffy Tail - 051 Fire Stone - 053 Max Repel - 054 Escape Rope - 055 Repel - 056 Sun Stone - 05D Moon Stone - 05E Fire Stone- 05F Thunder Stone - 060 Water Stone - 061 Leaf Stone - 062 Tiny Mushroom - 067 Big Mushroom - 068 Pearl - 06A Big Pearl - 06B Stardust - 06C Star Piece - 06D Nugget - 06E Heart Scale- 06F Orange Mail - 079 Harbor Mail - 07A Glitter Mail - 07B Mech Mail - 07C Wood Mail - 07D Wave Mail - 07E Bead Mail - 07F Shadow Mail - 080 Tropic Mail- 081 Dream Mail - 082 Fab Mail - 083 Retro Mail - 084 Use this code, 82005274 0 and then add one of the numbers on the end: Gaming accessories and cheat devices for Pokemon Go, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, PS4, PS3, PS2, GameCube, Wii and Wii U. You can unsubscribe at any time.įor these, use the code 6658C989 89518A0F and then add the below on the end:

Press R to increase EXP when fighting wild Pokémon Have all master balls (No master code required) like tittle said got conection with server ok, when try to go into GTS, and start try conection with 'Nintendo WFC' (we know that is the pkm foundation server) i just get errors. Copy link herculys commented Aug 1, 2016. Walk through walls (the code has to be entered last and no master code is required) Pokemon Black 2 not working on DeSmuMe 29. Note that some of these codes include multiple lines of code, and they may not work every time! Have fun playing the amazing Pokemon Black Version 2 game for Nintendo DS. Here are some Pokémon Emerald Game Shark/Action Replay cheat codes to use in the game if you want things like infinite money or the chance to never miss when in a battle.